Outlining the Plot

The Creation of a Character Driven Plot

Rishabh Choudhari
4 min readOct 27, 2020
Two staues of judges in seeming conversation.
“Human Statue Judges” by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity Photographer is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The plot must develop naturally through the choices of the characters, and these choices will be motivated by their desires and the situation they find themselves in. Thus, to build the most interesting plot it is important to chose the most interesting character. Therefore, the unnamed character belonging to the low Ganda class discussed in the previous essay will be the initial driver of the plot.

Sukuma Okubi — In the Zulu language Sukuma means Rise and Okubi means Bad. This is the name given to this character who has suffered from curse of being in the Ganda class. Originating from the class of the dishonored, criminal, rebel, the branded lifeless living, this character will grab life by both hands and squeeze every opportunity out of it.

The plot begins with Sukuma of the Okubi clan, a Ganda clan — the lowest of the low. A life of systematic labeled suffering results in a character with the deepest dire — no a need — for a better life. Sukuma is introduced to a group called the Freedom Call by a fellow Ganda associate. There he meets the passionate, driven, and magnetic Tanda of the house of Ordo. He is a Sharya who wants to bring down the chains which enslave humanity, the chains of civilization. He believes that societal values and laws are the links which bind individuals from living the life that is rightfully theirs. Tanda believes that no animal can have a master, it is the right of each animal to decide its own faith, and what is a human but an ape chained. Sukuma follows Tanda in the war against civilization itself.

The aftermath sees Sukuma return to the chains of Ganda. Labeled by the victors as a rebel, and a hero by a silent few. He then becomes cattle to a Yapa named Nido Suez. A man of order, values, and principles, Nido is the justification for civilization to Sukuma. He is a rock for many; however, his own demons hunt every virtue he holds dear. The outcome of these battles will shape Nido and his legacy; however, they will also affect Sukuma. He will come to realize that the chains that Tanda described, the pillars which Nido stood upon, Civilization is merely humans interacting with humans. Thus, it is these humans who have given Sukuma the pain and the few joys of life.

Sukuma wants to know if humanity itself is worth it, he journeys with a powerful Jadua named Unam Mada. Unam’s actions and philosophy remind Sukuma that he projected his selfish desires on others, his self-serving intentions were masked countless times with either a revolutionary’s passion or a humbled defeated branded dog. He did what he could to survive, and whenever an opportunity to better his situation arose he took it without considering the costs, unless the cost was his self. Thus, to answer his question about the worth of humanity he must look inwards at himself. Is his self worth it? Are all humans like him and Jadua, even the ones who shine as beacons of hope for others? Nido and Tanda, were they not just him in a different skin?

Sukuma and Unam’s journey comes to an end with one gaining the power to end the world and one receiving a type of exile.

Sukuma then meets a Brunin named Ayur Del. A healer, a priest, a shining ray of light for a community still recovering from the scars of rebellion. Ayur is put on trial, an ordeal which reveals every ounce of truth from the most saintly of figures. The trial is Ayur’s; however, it is also the trial of every individual including himself for Sukuma. The conclusion of this trial will form Sukuma’s philosophy.

The final part of this story will be the conflict with Inno Senton the Sanyanin who, tired of the debauchery of civilization and the degradation of humanity, will raise a zealot fever to purge the Drona Char. The entire nation must be cleaned. The continent must be cleaned. Kapaal must be cleaned. Inno Senton is the sweeper this world needs, he will be prime minister of this cleansing. In the face of oblivion the ones who act are leaders, Sukuma Okubi the Ganda will rise in these uncertain time. He who possesses the power to end the world, he who has judged himself, humanity, and civilization. He who has been tortured by all three. He who has nothing will become everything. He will be the final judge of this story.

This plot is about the judges of humanity, of civilization, and most importantly of the self. Each judge will make a decision and face the consequences. Sukuma Okubi will be the final judge; however, his decision will only be supreme to his own self and no one else — for that is the very nature of judging. However, in this story that final judgement will be the resolution of the plot.



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