Outlining Characters
Time to develop the inhabitants of Soma
A setting set, some characters must not be drawn up. Some of these characters will never see the light of day while others will flourish as the protagonists and antagonists of this world. Some authors will design the plot before the characters; however, I want the plot to emerge naturally from the interactions between the characters and their individual personality. In the next essay about the world of Kapaal, I will build the outline of the plot and show exactly how these characters will help develop this plot.
First, a character who has a chaotic unorganized eccentric personality. This type of character is most fun to work with and their unpredictable nature makes them the wild card which spins the plot on its head. Their name must also capture their whirlwind personality, names are very special to humans so it is important to make them appropriate for each character.
Tanda Ordo — Tanda is inspired by the Tandav dance, performed by Shiva the Hindu god of destruction and rebirth. Shiva performs this dance when he is about to end the world. Ordo is inspired by the Mongolian word Ordos which mean palace; however, it is the source for the English word Hordes. The Mongol Ordos became to the Europeans the Mongol Hordes, scourge of Empires.
Tanda Ordo will be a character belonging to the noble Sharya class. However, while most Sharya live a life of duty, honor, and believe in bringing order to civilization, Tanda Ordo is very different. It is the believe of this character that Sharya values are mere fabrications to justify their position in society, a position which they do not deserve to be simply handed at birth. Tanda Ordo believes that a human is no different from a dog or any other animal, and that no animal should have a master. It is each animal’s free will to decide their faith. Tanda Ordo wants to break the chains of civilization and free humanity.
A character who has a strong sense of duty, honor, and justice. A character who seeks order, a vital contrast to the anarchical design of Tanda Ordo, is needed.
Nido Suez — This name is simply Odin and Zeus spelled backwards. Both were God Kings in their respective mythologies, and brought law and order. However, they seemed to have a flawed side to them as well.
Nido Suez will belong to the common Yapa class, this character will be the rock which others will rely upon. However, there are demons which this character must face on its own for they exist within it. Nido Suez shall become a mountain or crumble into dust from these personal battles.
This will be a character motivated by a sense of justice and a high adherence to the rules of society.
A character who is selfish, that is a must and most characters should be selfish to an extent since that is the very nature of living creatures. All living creatures must possess a degree of selfishness to survive and pass down their genes.
Unam Mada — Manu and Adam spelled backwards, characters who were described as the first humans in their respective mythologies. Unam Mada will be a Jadua, for humans possess a natural curiosity and selfishness and a Jadua must have the curiosity to learn. A selfish use of that knowledge will make this character interesting.
Ayur Del— Ayur is inspired by the Indian practice of Ayurvedic medicine, and Del is inspired by the ancient Greek prophecy specialists of Delphi. Ayur Del will be a Brunin, the class of priests and healers. The most helpful and nicest people in our society, the ones who are admired by all, it becomes very interesting when their self-interests are revealed. Society very quickly judges them, despite the fact that all individuals have a selfish desire in them. Thus, Ayur Del shall be put on trial, the characters of this story and the readers shall judge themselves in this character’s ordeal.
Inno Senton — This name is inspire by Pope Innocent III. A powerful medieval Pope who launched crusades, reformed the Papacy into a seat of true authority, and made the Papal States into a significant European player. Thus Inno Senton shall be a Sanyanin, a monk motivated by desires. These desires the character will mask as zealot ambitions to justify its actions to itself and others. The natural selfish nature which this Sanyanin tried to destroy will simply prove to be much more resilient than anticipated, it will emerge when least expected or wanted, and it will make this character intriguing. Sometimes, the righteous may go out to help society; however, sometimes it is them who need help.
One more character must be designed, and this one must belong to the Ganda class. The class of the dishonored, criminal, rebel, the branded lifeless living. This character will be motivated to improve their life in any way possible, they have experienced the worst side of society. They understand hate and loath on a intimate level, disgust is a common reaction from others. This is a character who walked the broken path, not by choice. Their rise, if possible, will be epic. A name, must be thought of for this character. But names are significant. Very significant. Thus, patience is required in building a name for this character. Until next time.