When Crazy goes Mainstream
The Dangers of Post-Modernism affecting Social Studies
The Enlightenment gave prominence to many ideas which proliferated the greatest era of humanity. Progress rushed with lightening fueled by a rational society. Thus, the age of Modernism. However, the tumultuous 20th century which saw a nuclear noose hang over everyone caused a severe reaction. People were take aback by the rationalists whose scientific method helped create the tools for unprecedented destruction. Resentment built up towards institutions which had been the cornerstones of modernism and responsible for creating a grim uncertainty in the century of two world wars. It was a difficult time, and it created a reaction known as post-modernism.
Post-modernists are overly skeptical and sometime outright deny rationality, logic, absolute truths, the scientific method, and other intellectual essentials which had been developed over centuries of human progress. They also hold an special disdain for institutions. In the world of post-modernism everyone is wrong and everyone is right, and that is not irrational or contradictory if seen through the lens of pose-modernism.
This is stupid, and dangerous.
Post-modernism most severely affects the social studies, which many people might believe are irrelevant, until they pause and think what constitutes as social studies. Economics, Business, Management, Communications, Philosophy, Marketing, Finance, History, Geo-politics, Ethics, and so much more. Social studies is the study of the human experience. This includes our decisions, conditions, structures, incentives, relationships, ideas and all other facets of the individual and collective experience. Social studies are the most important curriculum as they affect everything else. An example can be seen in the Scientific Method which emerged form Philosophy and is directly responsible for all STEM fields.
Post-modernism affecting the social studies affects ever other field. There are already evidences of this, including the mainstream denial of scientifically proven absolutes. A prominent example being the denial of the XX and XY chromosomes as the determinants for sex, instead the post-modernists permeate the idea that human sex is a social construct and not a biological condition which emerged due to evolution. There is no scientifically proven research which backs these post-modernist claims, but it does not matter for the post-modernist deny the scientific method itself.
Another dangerous example of post-modernism is cultural appropriation. Too often individual liberty is crushed by these social justice warriors because according to them a person can only express themselves in the stereotype of their ethnic background. If an Indian or Caucasian person decides to make rap music, post-modernists label them as “culture vultures,” and “anti-black.” These are irrational accusations which have costed individuals labeled in this way to loose opportunities and diminish their social status. Post-modernism hampers and diminishes an individual’s quality of life, and their unalienable right to liberty.
Post-modernism is dangerous because it negatively affects the extremely significant fields of social studies, which in turn affect everything else. The insurance of human progress should not be taken lightly, rationalism must prevail, and post modernism needs to be thrown back to the crazy corner from which it emerged.