The Suffering Caused by Irrational Post-Modernism
Humans are naturally rational beings; therefore, irrationality creates misery in human life.
Post-modernism denies the existence of an ultimate truth. Thus, it simultaneously validates and denies every belief held by a person. This by its very nature creates irrationality. When the existence of an ultimate truth is denied, work towards uncovering that truth becomes dust. The state of reason, rationality, is thrown out. The disappearance of rationality forces morality, integrity, and dignity to be pushed into abys. The devolution of civilizations and the triumph of the individual are demolished. Post-modernism has come to dominate the world, it permeates across the political spectrum and has even invaded rationality’s sacred space of science. Tacit knowledge, logos, and the great works from the Enlightenment are being openly rejected in the mainstream.
This irrationality leads to discord which roils up passion and leads nowhere but a circular path of hatred. Post-modernism must be stopped. Because of the division caused by post-modernism there are already infringements upon human right, a degradation in the sciences, rise of populists, and dumpsters full of bad ideas carried around by mobs of the infected.
Misery quakes through humanity, shaking the foundations of the individual and civilization itself. Depression, suicide, and other mental health issues have never been worse. My generation, Generation Z, are the most depressed in recent history and the most likely to commit suicide. Almost all of us from this generation know a few who have ended their life. The pain which strikes me as I write this, the faces I remember, the suffering which all of us have suffered, it is indescribable. The degradation of rationality and the dissolution of values it causes has been one of the key reasons for this abomination.
Too often lives and careers are destroyed because of a pathos driven illogical mob. Too often discussion devolves into irrational shouting contests. Too often a failure to understand occurs. Far too often, a rational mind is lynched openly.
We cannot allow humanity to slip back into the dark ages, we cannot allow the sacrifices of countless humans who brought about ration thinking to go to waste. Rational thinkers must bring about a second Enlightenment, and retake mainstream thinking and education. Socrates was forced to drink poison by those who feared rationality and the consequences a mind of logos can bring to tyranny. Modern successors of those tyrants have already brewed some poison to force down the throat of the next Socrates; however, they forget that there is no longer just one but millions of Socrates’ now. Each of these new incarnations of Socrates can educate and incarnate a million more. There is not enough poison in the world for Tyranny to brew. It is time to take a stand, and rise. Rise to greet post-modernism with rationality. Rise to reintroduce strayed humanity to the path of enlightenment.