The Most Dangerous Criminal: Strawman
Strawman arguments are extremely common and dangerous. Stereotypes promoted in the main stream, which lead to the dissolution of civility and a devolution to barking, snarling, animals on the prowl for territory. There are many young minds with boundless energy and a hunger to act whose defenses to bad ideas is not set up yet. These susceptible souls are preyed upon by the cunning or the irrational. Thus, breeding into the cycle of creating more like them for future generations to be plagued with. The strawman fallacy is the one which should be despised the most, and must be taught the rational defense to in schools. The reason being it is the fallacy responsible for racism, sexism, hatred, and the cliffs which suddenly emerge separating the tribes of society. However, this author is just one voice in a sea of thousands. A scream in this ocean is no more than a mere droplet. But even the humble droplet causes a ripple, and who knows maybe that ripple may turn into a wave, and that wave into a tsunami.