The Beginning of a Fiction
A Young Writer sets a Goal
Writing good fiction is an aspiration, a goal which many times seemed unactable. Countless times I have began writing a work of fiction and countless times I have given up. Defeated by myself. Stories swirl and cook, then once ready they encourage the drooling ghosts, only to fester and rot in front of their very eyes. Disgusted the ghosts vanish. Sometimes they return; however, as the ages pass their occurrence become rarer. Fiction is the glass ceiling my spirit must break. To write good fiction is to free the soul, I must break these chains and fly away into a world conjured by the mind but so utterly out of its control. Thus, it is high time that I begin work on the first proper fictional work which shall be published to the world. This is my buried passion, now I shall not let it escape no more. The ghosts will return and stay, they will dance in my world, my own spirit shall have adventures with them. To write a work of fiction is to wrestle against the quitter which sits in every mind, it is to fight Goliath, it is to kill Rawan. This shall be the start of a writer’s epic, a journey to write “good fiction.”
A setting. A world. A time. The when and where of this work. This land shall be called Kapaal. My favorite fruit is a Himalayan rarity called kaphal, it can be sweet or sour, mixed with spicy condiments it becomes bliss. Thus, it inspires the name. This world will be sweet and sour, mixed with some spicy elements it will be a chaos of flavors bursting with juices.
What shall Kapaal be? What are the features of this world? What are the rules? Who are the inhabitants if any?
Kapaal is world similar to Earth. It has water, and land; it orbits a star in a solar system. Four grand continents and four vast oceans reside on this planet. The northern most continent, upon which sits the North Pole of this world shall be the freezing continent of Beruf. The southern most continent which sit just below the equator shall be called Betal. A continent east of Betal, straddles the equator, and stretches both north and south, shall be known as Purshin. A continent hanging just above the equator, with a small bit crossing it, and west of Betal, shall be named Dakshin. Dakshin will stretch east to west. The ocean surrounding the South Pole shall be known as the Endless Freeze of Pash. The ocean surrounding Beruf shall be known as Ootar. The ocean which lies between west of Purshin and east of Dkashin is named Shamil. The ocean west of Dakshin and east of Purshin will be called Madia.
This story will take place in Purshin, in a town nestled east of the coast and west of the mountains. Rolling hills covered in orchards and farms, the town is called Soma. It is wine country, plumbs, berries, olives, and sweet fruits growing lush in its fertile soil. Tourists, connoisseurs, and artists flock to the town for inspiration and relaxation. The town is mostly made up of the Yapa, a class of people whose ancestral professions are the crafts, farming, and labor. However, just like all entities within the Drona Char, only the Sharya can rule and lead armies. There are also other classes, the Brunin are priests and healers, the Jadua deal in magic and the enigmatic, the Sanyanin are those who have renounced everything to live as monks or hermits, and the Ganda who merely exist on the unfortunate bottom of society. The Ganda are the dishonored, the criminals, the rebels, the branded living lifeless.
The Drona Char is one of the dominant powers which exits on Purshin, it is a confederacy ruled in tangent by the Sharya Council and the Maha Sharya. The Sharya council is made of a representative of each Sharya house, while the Maha Sharya is a singular person chosen from among the Sharya.
The Jadua learn magic by studying the world, the gods, the elements, and each other’s work. So far there are four primary sources for their magic — the earth, the waters, air, and time.
With this a basic setting has been set, with certain details. A time period must still be established. However, that will take some further thinking for which time runs short in the non-fictional world. Until next time.