Questions of Ragnarök

On Authority, Obedience, Liberty, and Revolutions

Rishabh Choudhari
3 min readOct 16, 2020
A man looking with somber eyes, purple and red coloring splashed on his face.
“God of War” by Soumyadeep Paul is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Thomas Hobbes argued for “the mutual relationship between protection and obedience.” He was an Englishman who had lived through the civil war, a conflict which traumatized a decade as ideologs and opportunists gambled power between the Monarchy and Parliament. Hobbes’ experience caused him to realize the dangers of an unyielding desire for liberty, his magnus opus the Leviathan argued against the current of revolutionary Europe. He believed in obedience to a government, even a tyrannical one, was necessary to preserve peace, order, and prevent the loss of life. His work may seem ridiculous to some, even dangerous perhaps; however, are global events not suggestive of his thesis. The French Revolution resulted in what? A short lived republic which was nothing more than a façade for murderous tyranny, and a belligerent empire which left a continent bleeding at the hands of a despotic hegemon. What of the dictatorships of Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas which arose in the vacuum of previous tyrants. What of the Arab Spring, what was the result of the desperate desire for the decimation of tyrants and the flames of liberty to be burned bright? A fire that engulfed a burned down house of cards. Everyday average people, human beings who just want to spend time with their families, make some money, and have a satisfying life; did they ask for revolution, and did they truly comprehend the price?

“Give me Liberty or give me Death,” Patrick Henry’s famous words. But what of the majority of people who wish to live, to not die, to not see their loved ones perish? What of the average human?

It is easy to be idealistic. However, we must ask these questions during this current period of time which has seen the rise of authoritarianism. Nations, such that of China, proving and expanding the philosophy of obedience to a supreme totalitarian state. Leaders all over the world, and across the political spectrum, who mask their crave for infinite hereditary power with democracy. A devious media which has abandoned the principles of the fourth estate, to be reduced to the pet guard dogs of ideologs. An advanced connected population herded by a few barking dogs. This is a time period when the Anti-Fascists are the best examples of Fascism. Authoritarianism, totalitarianisms, and legalism will dominate this coming decade and maybe even beyond. The high interconnectedness of the globe means that no longer will Revolutions be contained to a spot on the map. The Arab Spring spread through a little online blue bird across two continents. The bells of liberty will soon start ringing, and as the clock of the reaper strikes midnight we will have to chose to either fill his bowl of blood or take the whippings of peace.

Thomas Hobbes work should now weigh on the mind of the modern human, for now we carry the capacity of Ragnarök. Is the average person willing to pay the price of Liberty? This question must be answered in the coming years, for once Ragnarök starts there is no Valhalla left to run back to.





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