On History and Filial Piety
Respecting the Foundations of the Modern World
Often the past is brutalized into a state of anarchy where disease and bloodshed ran rampant. However, homo sapiens are still homo sapiens, social creatures who try to survive and live a satisfying life. It is sometimes difficult to comprehend what someone hundreds of years ago, or many miles away desires; however, the clues are laid in our own surroundings. Simply, most people around the world in the present and past want to spend time with their friends and families, have enough to eat, a safe environment, and a few resources to help provide for themselves and the people they care about. Yes individuals will value these basic needs differently, and certain individuals will seek greater ambitions. But when it comes to the vast majority, these are the simple requirements of homo sapiens. Our ancestors were not barbarians, they were what we are today — Humans.
The past was difficult, but it was good enough to provide the basic foundations which the modern world would eventually be built upon. Over the centuries progress and regressions were made; however, the general trend was exponentially positive. Today’s homo sapiens are lucky to be in a time period when that exponential progress has truly sped up to lightning speeds. However, it is unfair to brutalize our ancestors for if it was not for them none of these daily miracles would be possible. Filial Piety exists in many cultures for a reason, it was understood even thousands of years ago that humanity stood on the stilts of every living creature who came before. It is difficult to comprehend the lives of other for we shall never be able to crawl into their skin. However, we must still respect them as we respect ourselves and each other. One day we shall also lay in history, hopefully our decedents remember what many today forget — Filial Piety.