Miner in the Mind Mine

A Poem

A dark cave, with a sliver oppening
“Dark cave” by ben.hollis is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Deep in the cavern,

the torch shivers,

dread’s caravan dances around.

Deep in the cavern,

the hands shiver,

every step trembling with the ground.

Oh come on miner keep going,

there is much more to this mind mine —

the riches you will find down here —

the stories you could tell — miner,

oh miner, miner, oh miner.

There lay many chasms, and holes.

The torch dims the deeper you go.

A trip and fall.

A howling roar.

A moment gone.

A shriek and thud.

Silence Darkness.

Wake up, Miner.

Wake up, Miner.

Many waiting, return home,

with the riches,

with the bruises,

concussed sorrow,

bitter success.

Next time, next time,

Miner, come back.

Come back, again,

try to go down,

and deeper,

down and down,


don’t stop,







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