An Exercise in Fiction: Part 5
Part 5: Resolution, the plot comes to a conclusion
It is recommended to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 before this.
Life had been quite since he returned. Nadatise was still unchanged, frozen in time. He noticed the charm of it now, life was peaceful — fulfilling. Peter’s revolution had mixed results, the country fell apart with fall of Nemanade. Some areas declared themselves independent, others held on to the idea of the old country. Peter made sure Nadatise remained in his domain, occasionally Sophia would visit to check on village and the family. She would sometimes share news with him. A man without a dream, he still is a man without a dream. A corpse. A corpse at peace with himself. Ivan Kubya died with his dream, now a walking corpse roamed Nadatise in peace.
Part 5 concludes this Exercise in Fiction. Thank you for Reading.
Many names in this story are inspired by the Serbian Language and Russian History.